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Pro Bono Consultancy for SMEs

What is this all about?

SMEs are the lifeblood of Singapore workforce where 72% of our workforce1 are being employed. They have been around ever since the nation is built and is one which we called our own. However, very often, SMEs have been busy with solving everyday issues and may not have the resources (both time and money) to take a step back and review the current state of business together with the help of business consultants.

We wanted to strengthen the capabilities of our SMEs as a part of community contributions toward nation building, by doing what we do best: giving consultancy services to qualifying SMEs. We also invite passionate consultants who acknowledge our cause and want to contribute towards making a better Singapore.

For SMEs

If your business has incorporated for at least three years, currently active, having a staff strength of at least 5 but below 80, and employs at least 30% Singaporeans: We welcome you to link up with us to join the program as a beneficiary. Thank you for your part in nation building and job creation. We want to help you in taking a moment off your busy schedule to take a look at how your business is currently running and how it can be further strengthened.

We will help to provide a snapshot of your current business competencies and let you have a better insight while illuminating those blind spots which you may have missed. These insights will empower you to make an informed decision when determining your future directions.

For Consultants

If you are currently a business consultant (or company) of any discipline, we welcome you to join us as a pro bono consultant. Thank you for joining our cause to contribute back to the community.

Orientation will be given to realign the methodology used as well as internal learning. The program will constantly evolve with contributions from all consultants onboard. You will be able to learn from one another while keeping the program up-to-date with the latest industry standards.

The beneficiary will be assigned according to company needs as well as your availability.

Involvement in this project can also be part of your personal/corporate social responsibility commitment!

Why do this?

Nothing beats seeing our own SMEs growing stronger than before! It improves Singapore as a whole and potentially reducing unemployability. Better performing SMEs will benefit everyone in the long run, starting with each little contributions that we make today.

What’s next?

If you are interested or would like to find out more, please drop us a mail at and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible!


1Statistics for year 2018, provided by Department of Statistics Singapore

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