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Real Food for Health Singapore

How it all started?

In early 2015, I stared at my weighing scale in disbelief. 120kg! The underwriter has just rejected my application to take up an insurance policy with a memo to re-apply one year later after weight loss. Serving as a waking up call, I actively sought for a solution. As I have to commute a long distance from work which often sapped my energy for the day, maintaining regular exercise is going to be a difficult task.

What I did

I then turned to search for a diet program instead. Most diet plans seemed to involve around restricting some types of intake. Concerned about not having an all-rounded diet and high possibility of “rebounding” afterwards, I then came across the 100 days Real Food Challenge ( Following the basic principals of Food Writer Michael Pollan ( famous quote: “Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food”, I tweaked the rules to better suit the lifestyle in Singapore. I started to eat healthily and embarked on what I called The Real Food Diet.

The results

Within ten months, I have managed to reduce my weight from 120kg to 112kg and got my insurance successfully! However, I stopped my diet when I visited Japan for the first time and I just have to try all those food! When I am back after the trip, I have gained another 2kg! But the effect of the diet seemed to stay, and I have been weighing around 114kg since.

What now?

On the 1st August 2018, I have decided to give the Real Food Diet another go. Only this time, I wanted to share this journey with everyone ( By giving daily updates and sharing my experience as well as thoughts, I started my journey. In less than a month, I have lost at least 5kg!

Join me!

Come and learn about this wonderful journey of the Real Food Diet. It is about healthy eating and treating your body to goodness (although it often comes with weight loss/gain as a “side effect”). It is not about restricting what you eat. It is about choosing what to eat instead. Learn about the pitfalls, the fun and how it has changed my life, and hopefully yours too!

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